Cristián Reyes
- +56993278223
- creyes@aninat.cl
Cristián was the Head of the Juridical and Litigation Divisions of the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office between 2009 and 2012, where he joined in 2003 with outstanding participation in important investigations, proceedings and mergers followed before the Free Competition Defense Court and the Supreme Court.
Subsquently, he worked as a Senior Lawyer and Partner in diverse law firms specialized in regulation, free competition, compliance and complex litigation.
Some of the main cases where Cristián participated are the alleged collusion in the drugstores, chicken, tissue paper, naval shipping and buses markets, and in other relevant cases such as cryptocurrencies, radio spectrum, virtual mobile operators, tobacco, matches, the merger between D&S and Falabella, and the Tianqi case, regarding the lithium market.
Cristián is also a professor and permanent collaborator of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile’s Free Competition Center and in other Chilean universities.
- P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Master in Law UC – LLM in Business Law, 2013.
- Universidad de Los Andes, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Diploma in Competition Economics, 2007.
- Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Law School, Competition Law Course, 2006.
- Free Competition Defense Court – Iberoamerican Cooperation Secretariat, Madrid, Iberoamerican School of Competition Defense, 2004.
- Universidad Diego Portales, School of Law, Diploma in Recurso de Protección, 2002.
- LL.B., P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Law, Double Distinction Vote, 1997.
- Corporate law and antitrust
- Fintech
- Regulation
- Compliance programs
- Litigation
- Concentration operations
- Investigations and public audits
- Chilean Bar Association
- Member of the Free Competition Center of P. Universidad Católica de Chile’s Faculty of Law
- Permanent advisor of the Chilean association of Fintechs (“FinteChile”).
- Permanente advisor of the Chilean association of Insurtech companies (“InsurteChile”)
- Internship Program in Canada’s Competition Bureau and in Brazil’s CADE (2010).
- Collaboration Program with El Salvador’s Competition Superintendence (2007).
- Opinion columns in El Mercurio Legal, Diario Financiero, P. Universidad Católica de Chile’s Free Competition Center and others, from 2017 to present.
- Fintech and free competition studies at P. Universidad Católica de Chile’s Free Competition Center, U. Adolfo Ibañez’s Competition Center (CECO) and others, from 2015 to present.
- “Economic Analysis of Procedural Law: New Perspectives”, Editorial Jurídica de Chile, Article entitled “A Response to Robert D. Cooter: Analysis of Deterrence and Why Favorable Rule-Making for Risk-Prone Persons Should Be Discouraged”, 2018.
- “Estudios de Libre Competencia, Consumidor y Regulación”, P. Universidad Católica de Chile’s Free Competition Center, article entitled “Telefonía IP: Un antes y un después”, 2014.
- General editor and columnist for SME Magazine “Plataforma XXI”, 2000 to 2002.
- Currently, Cristián is a Permanent Collaborator of the Center for Free Competition of the Catholic University of Chile and Professor of the courses in Regulated Markets and Digital Economy, taught by the same University within its Free Competition Diploma.
- He is also a professor in the Training Course for International Certification in Compliance (ICECOM) of Universidad Alberto Hurtado’s Faculty of Law, and in the Telecommunications and Digital Transformation Course of Universidad Diego Portales’ Faculty of Law.
- He has been invited to teach at diverse universities and institutions. For example, in the Compliance and Good Corporate Practices Diploma of P. Universidad Católica de Chile (2016), in the “Free Competition Process” Seminar of Universidad de Chile’s Masters in Law course (2013), in the Free Competition course of Universidad del Desarrollo (2013), and in pregraduate courses in Universidad Arturo Prat at Iquique (2011), as well as in training for Carabineros de Chile regarding the entry into force of the anticartel authorities in Chile’s Free Competition Act (2009).
- In addition, he has been a speaker at various events, such as the seminar “Compliance: Free Competition and Data Protection” (Centro de Libre Competencia de la P. Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019), the Cycle of Colloquiums Competition and Regulation of the Radio Spectrum (Centro de Libre Competencia de la P. Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018), the seminar “Free Competition and Business” (Asociación de Empresas de la V Región, Asiva, 2017), the session on “The Free Competition System in Chile” of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Competition Committee, Paris, 2010), training at the Superintendence of Competition of El Salvador, on cartels and intrusive powers (2007), and the session on Free Competition and Regulated Markets of the Ibero-American School for the Defense of Competition (Madrid, 2004).
- Highlighted in Chambers and Partners (2024) in the Fintech category, Band 1.
- Highlighted in Latin Lawyer 250 (2024) in the Antitrust & Competition category.
- Highlighted in Leaders League (2024) in the Antitrust & Competition category.
- Highlighted in Best Lawyers (2024) in the Competition/Antitrust Law Corporate, Compliance category.
- Recipient of the Presidential Scholarship for undergraduate studies, 1991 to 1995.
- Advisor of the Chilean Association of Financial Innovation Businesses (FinteChile).
- Advisor of the Chilean Insurtech Businesses Association (InsurteChile).
- Former advisor of the Chilean National Consumers and Users.
- Former collaborator of Desafío Levantemos Chile.
- Member of the Probono Foundation.