Oscar Gárate
- ogarate@aninat.cl
During his professional career, he has advised on various matters to domestic and foreign companies and organizations, in matters of free competition, regulated industries, consumer law, regulatory compliance and in various highly complex litigation before ordinary, special and arbitration courts.
Additionally, he has focused his practice on Fintech, Data Protection, contractual designs and training related to regulatory-economic aspects, accompanying and representing clients in preventive, administrative and judicial proceedings.
Previously, he worked as a senior lawyer at Isabel Díaz y Asociados, advising public and private entities and companies in the same matters, especially in proceedings before the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office, the Antidistortion Commission, the National Customs Service, the Public Health Institute and the port authorities, and in litigation before the Antitrust Court, the Supreme Court and Arbitration Courts.
- Master in Evidential Reasoning from the University of Girona and University of Genoa (2024).
- Lawyer, University of Chile, School of Law (2009).
- Diploma in Competition Law and Policy. University of Chile (2015).
- Master in Law with mention in Economic Law, Universidad de Chile (2020).
- Compliance and Crime Prevention Model Free Competition.
- Regulated markets.
- Consumer Law.
- Data Protection.
- Fintech.
- Economic Regulation and Public Policy.
- Litigation.
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association AG.
- “Standard of Proof in Free Competition”. Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch. 2022.
- “El Eco del Estallido ante la Corte Suprema: Comentario a la Sentencia de la Corte Suprema sobre el caso Papeles“, coauthored with Joaquín Morales Godoy. Incorporated in the Anuario de Jurisprudencia 2020, Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch. 2022.
- “Free Competition and Financial Markets: Tensions before the TDLC”, co-authored with Cristián R. Reyes Cid, Competition Center, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. 2022.
- “Proyecto de Ley Fintech: Innovación, Inclusión Y Competencia” Technical Opinion Nº16. Co-authored with Cristián Reyes Cid. Free Competition Program / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 2021.
- The end of collusive conduct per se?, Technical Opinion Nº13. Programa Libre Competencia / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 2021.
- Professor of Economic Law, at the Law Faculties of the Diego Portales Universities (2024) and Central University (2023).
- Professor of the Legal Clinic of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universidad Central de Chile Law School, (2022).
- Assistant Professor, assisting in the courses of Economic Law, Banking and Financial Law, Contemporary Economic Policy and International Economic Law, together with Professor Joaquín Morales Godoy, at the Law School of the University of Chile, (2010 to 2022).
- Ad honorem student assistant of the Economic Law Course of the Law School of the University of Chile, with Professor Joaquín Morales Godoy, (2007 to 2009).
- Member of the Probono Foundation.
- Probono volunteer for the Desafío Levantemos Chile Foundation until 2020.